
Excess in Car Insurance

What is the insurance excess car and under what circumstances it pays?
Excess in the UK is called the contribution to be paid when our fault the damage is going to happen. In the UK there are several types of excessu. If you have Fully Comprehensive insurance policy, if the damage is our fault, we will have to pay the appropriate excess. In various cases, the amount may vary. As a rule, it can be up to £ 100 to £ 500. If you are under the same policy we beat the glass and the repair you'll want to pay the insurance, we will have to pay the excess - if windows can be anything from about £ 50th If, however, have a policy of Third Party, Fire & Theft, it is excess. What we have to pay, apply a car theft or fire, because only such a policy covers injury.
Different drivers, depending on their age or experience in driving, may be subject to different excessami. As a rule, so that the younger or inexperienced drivers in the event of damage will have to pay a higher excess than their older and more experienced in driving colleagues.
There is also a voluntary contribution (voluntary excess), which not everyone knows. This is the amount that the driver has voluntarily decided to pay in the event of damage to his guilt, but it is paid in addition to the mandatory excessu. This means that if the excess in the event of an accident is £ 200, and we voluntarily declared that voluntary excess of £ 100, in the event of an accident must be added to the excessy.
You may ask what gaining driver declaring voluntary excess. Our experience in the A-Plan Insurance shows that in many cases, the Voluntary Excess can reduce the price of annual insurance premiums.
Also from experience we know that the Voluntary excess rather choose to owners of trucks and people with no discount for accident-free driving. Always ask your insurance company with accurate information on their policies.